Forestry Mulching and Clearing Brisbane

Trust Total Environmental Concepts, to deliver expert forestry mulching and clearing services throughout the Gold Coast and surrounding area.

Forestry mulching is quickly becoming a preferred, environmentally friendly, alternative to older ‘slash and burn’ methods for many councils and commercial project managers. Our team is committed to delivering environmentally conscious work on every project.

Safety is our biggest priority, meaning that when combined with our wealth of experience and state of the art equipment, we’re able to offer a wide range of specialised services – that other companies simply can’t.

We’re able to do work up to 250mm diameter. The cost of mulching can range up to $3000 depending on the thickness of trees and how close they might be. Using a bobcat or excavator with the appropriate forestry mulcher attachments, these machines can complete a wide range of jobs. We also have a stump grinder available as needed.

If you’re looking for experienced forestry mulching contractors you can trust and rely on, contact our team today!

forestry mulching gold coast


If you’re looking for experienced forestry mulching contractors you can trust and rely on, contact our team today!

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What are the Benefits of Forestry Mulching Services?

Forestry mulching uses a single machine to cut, grind and clear vegetation. This leaves behind a layer of mulch, with its own eco-benefits, cementing this as an eco-friendly method of clearing.

This type of mulching has a number of benefits that make it a top choice for council and commercial property clearing.

These benefits are what are responsible for making this service more popular than the traditional ‘slash and burn’ methods. So what are the benefits?

Low Impact
Eco-Friendly Method
Avoid Erosion
Long-Term Soil Improvement

Forestry mulching offers ecological and sustainable ways to manage non-native vegetation on a large scale, making it an environmentally conscious choice.

Using this method, less equipment and site visits are typically required in order to complete the clearing. This means that the surrounding environment experiences less disruption during the process.

Whether you need to clear council land or a commercial project site, this method of clearing and preparing a site leaves less of an environmental impact and allows for greater mindfulness.

Traditional clearing methods tend to be applied with less discretion, meaning it’s easy for areas outside of the intended clearing area to be caught up in the process. This can obviously affect the landscape in many ways, sometimes adversely.

Items like native vegetation that get caught up in the process are often cleared simply because there is no precise control in the process.

Instead, when using a forestry mulcher, lnd can be cleared much more carefully and with a greater precision. This, combined with the ability to mulch and leave those nutrients behind for the land makes this a much more eco-friendly process.

Erosion can become a problem when land is cleared without the proper clearing methods. If soil is left exposed to the elements it can be easily washed or blown away, which means your property can be left with further erosion issues.

Issues include:

  • Poor drainage
  • Insufficient soil
  • Difficulty growing new vegetation

Forestry mulching allows you to control and combat the risk of erosion. This specialty equipment allows our expert forestry mulching contractors to clear the land while also leaving behind a layer of mulch to keep the soil in place. This can also help protect and fertilize any plants that remain.


In addition to the immediate and short-term benefits of forestry mulching, there are long-term benefits that can improve your soil as well.

The mulch that’s left behind offers essential nutrients which can help improve soil. Mulch is a widely useful substance for many applications, from gardening to agriculture. Nutrients found in mulch not only nourish the soil on your land, but they also enrich it to keep the land healthy.

Trees and plants also enjoy the benefits of mulch, allowing them to grow more efficiently, remain healthy and prevent problems such as mould.

Reach out if you’d like to keep your soil healthy even after clearing works on your land.


Why Choose Total Environmental Concepts for Forestry Mulching on the Gold Coast?

There’s a variety of reasons you should choose Total Environmental Concepts to complete forestry mulching for your council or commercial project.

  • Our local plant and equipment operators have current Verification of Competences for all of our site ready equipment.
  • We know and love the land we work on, and thanks to our years of hands-on experience, we can provide a level of service few others in our area can. The key is our commitment to delivering environmentally conscious work.
  • We always aim to minimise the impact of clearance work by in situ forestry mulching whenever possible, as this assists with both initial regrowth and helps counter future erosion possibilities.
  • Our skid steer forestry mulcher allows for large areas to be mulched. We offer a 900mm mulching attachment on our 5 tonne excavator, which allows for careful selective mulching of trees and vegetation.



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No matter the scope of your clearing project, Total Environmental Concepts have the state of the art, specialised equipment that will get the job done. Each machine are certified SWMS for working on steep slopes – and our OH&S team can work with you to develop site-specific SWMS depending on your needs.

For any environmental projects requiring expert forestry mulching contractors on the Gold Coast, get in touch with our team today!


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