Commercial Slashing Services
Meet OH&S and safety requirements on public grounds
Because of Australia’s large snake population, unkempt grass poses a serious risk to public land. In particular, any area with long grass near a residence or that has frequent visitors can be a particular concern
Grass is not always easy to manage on large blocks or commercial properties. This is why councils choose us for top quality commercial slashing services to keep their local area safe.
Our equipment can be used with specialised attachments that few others in Brisbane or on the Gold Coast can access. This means it’s easier, safer and more efficient for our team to slash ‘difficult’ terrains such as areas near creek beds, sloped land and more.
For more information, contact us or view our capability statement.
Meet your safety requirements with pre-survey slashing services
To ensure you meet your safety obligations and OH&S requirements, you may need to engage slashing contractors to prepare the land you’ll be surveying. Our team are land clearing experts and we’re confident we can help you meet your obligations.
We’ll take care of pre-survey slashing of grass to ensure you can correctly assess line of sight and work to your best capacity. Pre-survey slashing will also ensure you can access all areas of the site safely while managing risks and hidden dangers, like snakes.
In this way, you can meet all OH&S safety requirements.
Prepare the site for civil works
Before you can begin civil works on an area of land, you may need to engage the services of a slashing contractor to ensure you can safely access all areas of the property.
For any large or small civil works involving slashing, we are the go-to team across Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and Northern NSW. Our range of specialist equipment can handle difficult terrains allowing us to offer the most efficient slashing services around.
Contact us if you have a project requiring slashing services.
Maintain your blocks and impress potential investors
Impress potential investors by showing them your land in its best light. Unsightly areas of overgrown grass could lower the perceived value of your offer, or worse, leave a bad impression from the get-go.
Not only is unkempt grass unsightly, but it is also likely to breach safety notices and OH&S requirements if left unattended for too long.
Let our team take care of the hassle for you. We can ensure you’ll remain compliant and avoid receiving council notices on your land. In combination with our per block mowing service, we offer slashing services and weed maintenance to developers like yourself.
Acreage maintenance is a substantial job, let’s make it easier
If you own a large property, you’ll know how big a job it is to keep it maintained, especially in the warmer months. Weeds and grass can often grow faster than you can maintain them.
If you own horses or other livestock, it is especially important as the regions between Brisbane and Gold Coast are known to have lantana and many other noxious weeds growing.
We can take the weight off your shoulders! Our specialized equipment can handle slashing on even the most difficult terrains. Unlike tractors, our machines can also work on steep slopes. To keep lantana and other dangers at bay, regular slashing and mowing are paramount so we also have specialized lantana removal equipment on hand for this reason.
Reach out to our team today if you would like our help in keeping your property maintained.
Advantages of Using Our Firebreaks & Slashing Contractors
We are established and respected firebreaks and slashing contractors servicing Brisbane and Gold Coast. We regularly construct, upgrade and maintain firebreaks and are proud to be the leading providers of this service across Queensland and Northern NSW.
Fire hazard prevention and fuel reduction
Dense, heavy grass clean-ups
Removal of woody weeds including Lantana, Privet, Boxthorn, and Blackberry infestations
Pre-clear undergrowth for environmental assessment studies
Roadside vegetation clean up
Land clearing preparation
Regular council slashing works
Regrowth scrub
Firebreaks and slashing for parks
Small to large broad acreage block cleanups
Slashing on acreage allotments
Plus more
Work with our slashing contractors
To work with our slashing contractors on any commercial projects in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast or Northern NSW, contact us today!