Offset Revegetation Brisbane

We provide offset revegetation services in Brisbane, and wider areas of Queensland, for commercial projects, local councils, and large-scale developments. Offset revegetation is when trees are planted to offset carbon produced during the construction process, to restore a previous ecosystem or for a new purpose.

Revegetation allows land to be restored to its pre-construction state, providing the following benefits:

  • Stabilising or preventing erosion
  • Recreating a habitat for native animals
  • Improving air and water quality
  • Rehabilitating a site more quickly than would occur naturally
firebreak slashing logan


Trees are planted in areas previously used for mining, farming or construction – or to extend an existing nature conservation area.

This can also include propagating, translocating, and planting rare and threatened species.

localbuy pre-qualified supplier
redland council environmental services
scenic rim council environmental projects
logan city council preferred environmental consultants
Queensland Parks & Wildlife rehabilitation

How are sites revitalised using offset revegetation?

We have specialised machinery to undertake all offset revegetation projects, while adhering to WHS standards and without risk to the public. We also use a variety of plants, as per project needs, while adhering to efficient field practices. As part of our process, we bring in ecologists to provide specialised reports for effective revegetation.

We can identify and negotiate suitable offset sites on behalf of councils or clients and liaise with Project Managers or developers from planning until job completion.

This involves:

  • Sourcing
  • Planning
  • Ongoing management of stakeholders and the site
  • On the ground revegetation work
  • Site monitoring
  • Compliance reporting

What happens after the offset revegetation process?

After planting, we maintain your site, by watering, weed control, slashing, and attending to plant health, until it is ready to hand back over. This can include firebreak installation.

What do you need to do before planning your offset program of work?

A planning permit is required by most local councils to remove, destroy, or lop native vegetation and subsequently a native vegetation offset is generally required as a condition of these permits.

The process generally involves the following steps:

  1. Your project requires removal of native vegetation
  2. You will need to establish the cost of the native vegetation you are proposing to remove.
  3. We help you to find a new site to offset that cost
  4. You apply for a project permit, which includes the offset information
  5. Your permit is approved, and the offset obligation becomes a condition of the permit
  6. We negotiate a price with an offset landowner with a matching site on your behalf
  7. Sign contracts with the landowner
  8. Document the transaction on the register
  9. Begin removal of native revegetation
  10. Revegetation begins at the offset site

Contact us for more information or download our capability statement here.

How much does offset revegetation cost?

The cost of planting trees, shrubs and groundcover will depend on a number of factors including:
  • Size and shape of the site
  • Establishment technique
  • Soil type
  • Seasonal conditions
  • Tree or vegetation species
  • Types of planting stock (tubestock, hikos, bare rooted etc)
  • Pest control needed
  • Types of fences or tree guards required
  • Availability and cost of labour
commercial slashing services


Why Total Environmental Concepts?

We are a team of environmental consultants, specialising in creating and maintaining bio-basins, creating fire tracks and trails (for bushfire safety) and stormwater management, among other services.

Established in 2014, Total Environmental Concepts is on a mission to bring innovation, inspiration and to relentlessly deliver the ultimate outcomes in environmental services for each client we work with.

Contact us or download our capability statement.


environmental rehabilitation




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